Friday, July 20, 2007

The Baby: 36 week update

We met our midwife's practice partner about a fortnight ago, just on the off chance she has the on-duty weekend around the time that our Miss is due to arrive.
It is fair to say that there is a considerable difference in personality and approach.

Our midwife, Sue, is bubbly, perky, positive, funny and chirpy to a point just short of nutty. Her partner, Jocelyn, is subdued, quiet, and softly spoken. She also appears to be more cautious and not averse to using the technology available.

Jocelyn suggested we have a presentation scan this week after she had palpated for the baby. Her words were: "I'm not saying its breech, but..." and a little later..."if the baby is breech, you will be able to have a caesarean courtesy of the New Zealand government."
No. Those are not the words to say to someone just over a month out from the arrival of their first child, who has been diligently trying to encourage not only a head-down arrival, but a baby that takes up the OFP. (See my previous entry regarding this.)

Sue had already, about a month or two earlier, palpated and suggested that Miss OhWaily was already head down in the left-sided anterior position. But that didn't stop me worrying about the possibility that she had sneakily moved herself around and was now head butting my ribcage instead of sticking me with her knees and feet.

We caught up with Sue on Friday for our regular appointment, and she was surprised that we were being sent for a scan. When she palpated, her assessment was "definitely head down, spine on the left and she has begun to descend".
Apparently babies heads have a distinct shape, whereas their bums don't; and that it is not too difficult to tell which is which once they are this big.

Anyway, on Tuesday morning we headed off to the ultrasound people and prepared to see what we would see. Personally I was feeling a lot more heartened after Sue's prediction of her position.

The results were great.

  • Head down

  • Spine on the left

  • Key indicators are right on the average for her gestation

For those who like numbers, here are the important ones:

Approximate weight is 2919 grams (just under 6.5 lbs).
Head diameter was about 9 cm.

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