Friday, September 28, 2007

The Wit and Wisdom of the Discworld

For those of you who are Terry Pratchett fans, you may want to know that another book has been released. This time it is a compendium of some of the witty observations made throughout the Discworld series.

It is cunningly called "The Wit and Wisdom of the Discworld", and according to the publisher's website contains the following sorts of commentary:
Interior decorating: "It's a fact known throughout the universes that no matter how carefully the colors are chosen, institutional decor ends up as either vomit green, unmentionable brown, nicotine yellow, or surgical appliance pink. By some little-understood process of sympathetic resonance, corridors painted in those colors always smell slightly of boiled cabbage—even if no cabbage is ever cooked in the vicinity." (Equal Rites)

Travel: "Any seasoned traveler soon learns to avoid anything wished on them as a 'regional speciality,' because all the term means is that the dish is so unpleasant the people living everywhere else will bite off their own legs rather than eat it. But hosts still press it upon distant guests anyway: 'Go on, have the dog's head stuffed with macerated cabbage and pork noses—it's a regional speciality.'" (The Last Continent)

If you are a collector of all things Pratchett, it is time to get your money out again.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Great Nappy Debate - Part One

This is a topic sure to bring the flamers out of the woodwork.

Reusable nappies vs Disposable nappies

In my very brief experience people don't tend to be fence-sitters on this topic.

As I type this I am in the midst of my own assessment of what I think is the best option for the OhWaily family. Do I want the instant gratification of disposables or am I willing to put in the time with reusable nappies.
Hmm. There is quite a bit to consider in this debate.

  • Am I too lazy to wash every other day?

  • Will the weather be helpful or will I end up using the dryer all the time?

  • Do I want to add a few extra tons of baby poop and chemical crystals to the local landfill?

  • Will I have leakage issues if I choose reusables? Then again, disposables aren't 100% foolproof either.

  • Are disposables more absorbant? Therefore should I use them on the longer overnight sleeps?

  • Will reusables promote nappy rash because the moisture isn't "drawn away" from baby's skin?

  • Will it be easier to toilet train a baby who wears reusable nappies?

  • Will it be sensible to use them in a half-and-half system?

And last, but not least, in my considerations:

  • What the hell are the chemicals in those magic crystals that absorb all those bodily fluids?

    • Where can I find out about them?

    • How do I know they are safe for long-term use? And just who would have let their kids be the experiment for proving they are safe?

Are you a parent who has made this choice?
Do you have an opinion? What is it? Why do you hold that opinion?
Do you have links to resources helping parents make this choice?

If so, please leave a comment with the details and then stick around as I work through making this choice for Miss OhWaily.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Photography recommendation

I came across this gallery of wildlife photography a while back. No doubt it came to me through using Stumble!

Anyway, I just wanted to share it with you because I found this work to be glorious.

Just so you know, my favourite photograph is "Elephant with Exploding Dust, Amboseli 2004", with "Giraffe and Baby in Trees, Maasai Mara 2002" a close second.

I'd love to know what you think. Leave a comment with your favourite image.