Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Merry New Year to You, Here Come The Goals

It is tradition at this time of year to contemplate what we have done with ourselves over the past fifty-two weeks and then to reflect on how life should look at the end of the upcoming twelve months. I've decided to be traditional, here is the result:

2007 in Review

Really the only thing that has mattered in the preceding twelve months was the impending arrival and then debut of Miss OhWaily , everything else was pretty insignificant.

Goals for 2008

I have decided that things should be split into categories, it makes me think a bit more about my roles in life. It's not my complete list, but it is the only one that I will be going public with. You really don't need to know what "X" stands for in the PPTM section. 8-O


- Introduction of solid food;
- Begin potty training;
- Have a happy, healthy and active daughter;
- Get more sleep.


- Blog consistently from now on;
- Follow through with twelve months of photography challenges;
- Finish Noah's Ark;
- Finish Fantasy Triptych;
- Finish Angel Proclamation.

Personal Pleasures, Treasures and Measures

- Read 24 books or more; (Quite an ask with broken sleep, a chinese laundry to run and a newly renovated house to clean up and garden to create.)
- Lose that extra "X" kilograms of weight that my daughter brought with her as a gift for me, and left behind once she arrived;
- Spend some time on family history research and break through one brick wall;
- Perhaps attempt an overseas holiday with the family, baby temperament allowing;
- Try one new recipe a week.


- Create the new website;
- Update the content of the website;
- Improve the international marketing.

Now if I was being honest, the reality of my life means that many items on this list may be somewhat underdone this year, if done at all. It is a bit of a fantasy to see three large pieces of cross stitch finished in one year considering I haven't managed to complete one in five years. Still, goals are meant to be about taking a positive approach to life. Don't tell me about SMART goals, the A, R and T are all relative. ;)

How about you? Do you set goals each year? Do you split them into the different areas of your life, or lump them together? Do you over-extend yourself or under-challenge yourself?

Whatever your approach to this time of year, the Oh Waily family would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best for a fantastic 2008. Carpe annum !

1 comment:

Goals Update: January « Oh Waily Waily said...

[...] I’m no different from the rest of the world in that respect. I set out some of my goals in an earlier post, at least the ones that I was willing to make public, and like every other goal-setter I knew that [...]