Sunday, September 24, 2006

Scents, Unguents, Lotions and Oils

I was looking through my files tonight and came across a compilation of aromatherapy concoctions and I thought I would share some of them with you.

The manner of use is described after the listing of essential oils.
All the usual disclaimers apply - these are not "cures", and you should consult your doctor etc, etc. Other than that, enjoy the wonderful world of essential oils. Remember, that these are not to be taken internally - they are to be used in burners, massage oils, and similar.

Anti-Arthritic Blend
Frankincense - 10 drops
Eucalyptus - 15 drops
Juniper - 10 drops
Lavender - 10 drops
In 90 mls Olive / Macadamia oil.

Fennel, juniper, lemongrass and lavender.
Massaged firmly into the skin.
Massage encourages absorption of the oils, using a loofah helps this even more. Most beneficial if used regularly after a warm bath.

Anxiety, Tension & Stress
Lavender - 2 drops
Bergamot - 2 drops
Cedarwood - 2 drops
In a burner

Chafed or grazed skin
Patchouli - 4 drops
Bergamot - 2 drops
Tea Tree - 4 drops
In 180 mls distilled water.

Colds & Flu
Lavender - 2 drops
Lemon - 2 drops
Eucalyptus - 3 drops
In a burner.

Eczema / Dermatitis Blend
Lavender - 15 drops
Bergamot - 2o drops
Cedarwood - 10 drops
In 90 mls Jojoba / Avocado Oil

Harmony & Relaxation
Rose Geranium - 2 drops
Lavender - 2 drops
Orange - 2 drops
In a burner.

Headaches, Mental Fatigue
Orange - 2 drops
Lavender - 2 drops
Rosemary - 2 drops
In a burner

Peppermint - 2 drops
Fennel - 1 drop
In 5 mls Sweet Almond oil.

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