Thursday, September 07, 2006

Photographic Inspirations - I

When I was in the process of blogging about our trip to Hong Kong, I had cause to take a look around for good night time photographs to share.
While I was doing that I was fortunate to come across a number of excellent sources of inspiration for my photography. And that led on to looking for more inspiration. Damn that Flickr !

Unfortunately the only time I am currently getting with my camera is the five minutes before work in the morning in which to take updates on my cross stitch (see previous entry).

And let me be clear about this - I am a hack photographer. If I take my time and think about it for a moment, then I can manage to create a reasonable composition. But I'm technically weak, so one of my goals for this year is to get a grip on that aspect of photography.

In the meantime, however, I am on the outlook for inspiration. And I thought it would be selfish of me not to share what I have already found. So here is a taster for you...

Or take a stroll through these albums. I have many favourites here, including İshak Paşa Sarayı, Tokomaru Bay Marae, Sandscape and Jerash.

I hope you enjoyed these too. If you have any inspiration that you want to share just leave a note for me and I'll visit.

And to finish, here is one of my old ones from 1989. It's a pre-digital moment, so cut me some slack for the quality of the scan.

Secret cats - Ferrara 1989


sureshg said...

great work on photography . Pls keep up the good work. I like your blog. Do visit my blog for some photos( though not as inspiring as you want them to be). However your coments will be valuable to me. cheers Suresh.

ohwailywaily said...

Hi Suresh,
Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you like the blog.
The photographs that I picked for this entry are very good, I think.
I hope you took a look through the other photos in each photographer's Flickr albums, there were many more that I could have included.

I have taken a short visit to your blog, and I am most impressed with your photographs. I particularly like the one attached to Seriousness is sickness!. But then I always tend to like animal photographs. :-D