Tuesday, April 04, 2006

C is for Corpse, Death By Water & Queen of the Flowers

Okay, so I am on a serious crime fiction run at the moment.
These are more in two very different series of stories. The only real linkages are that they are crime and the central character for each series is a female. Actually, they are very strong women in their own settings.
Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone is an '80s woman - a private investigator, while Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher is a titled woman of the between-war years. But each is focused and independently strong in their own setting.

Hmm, that revelation only came to me when I decided to do an en masse entry for these three books. I suppose that theme really shouldn't surprise me, as I seem to be looking for what I would have considered *girly* books not so long ago. Fiction that revolves around a female lead character seems to have become my current reading of choice.

As per previous entries about other books in these series, they are a nice and easy read. Death By Water has a nice Kiwi touch being set onboard a fictional trans-Tasman P&O liner, with descriptions of Milford Sound and Dunedin as part of the storyline. All-in-all, very relaxing bedtime reading.

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