Saturday, August 16, 2008

Photographic conundrum

Through the Shape SorterI am working on taking as many *different* photographic views of the Little Miss as I can come up with. I want to celebrate who she is at the end of her first year with us, and through the beginning of her next one too. However, I am not fond of the staged studio portraiture that I have seen other families do. It's just not us, posed on white sheets, dressed in our finest and groomed to within an inch of our lives.

Perhaps I should show the reality - toys strewn across the entire living room floor that would put an army assault course to shame, scruffy tracksuit pants and fleecy top-wearing mother, and a frequently marmite-faced child.

In spite of the reality, I would like to do her justice (when she lets me take photographs of her without lunging at the camera - blurred hands and faces may be the norm, but it's not what I had in mind).
I know some of you are very handy with your cameras, can you now point me to some original portrait artists from who I can steal some ideas glean some inspiration?

And, if you're feeling so inclined, perhaps tell me which of my Flickr images of the Little Miss hit the spot for you and why. [BTW, the only image I have altered in any way other than cropping is Corners. You wouldn't believe the original that produces this. Honestly. It's a lesson in not writing badly taken images off.]

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