Friday, July 10, 2009

Apple Crepes

Recipe By : Rose Elliot
Serving Size : 4


Orange Crepe Batter. (see Basic Crepe Recipe, with orange variation)
450g / 1 lb sweet, mellow eating apples such as Cox's
15g / ½ oz butter
2 - 3 teaspoons granulated sugar
50g / 2oz sultanas or raisins (optional)
a little caster sugar


  1. Make the crepes as described on page 38. (see here)

  2. Peel and core the apples and slice them thinly. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the apples and sugar, and the sultanas or raisins if you are using them, and stir to mix together. Cook, uncovered, over a low heat, stirring gently from time to time, for about 3-4 minutes or until the apple slices have softened.

  3. Spoon this mixture on to the crepes and roll them up. Sprinkle with a little caster sugar and serve immediately, perhaps with some creme fraiche.

Source: Rose Elliot's Vegetarian Meals in Minutes

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Rose's Comments in the margin of the book are:

These crepes are particularly delicious if you add to the apple mixture a good pinch of cinnamon and/or ground cloves or a splash of Calvados.

(My notes: We used NZ Rose apples for this, and because John doesn't like dried fruit, we omitted the sultana/raisin option. But we did add a good dash of cinnamon to the apples. The result was yummy, but did take a fair amount longer than 3 to 4 minutes. This was probably because we made this in a small saucepan. )

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