Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Robyn Martin Bakes

RMBI must recommend this book to you.  Sadly I could find no one selling it on line.  The closest was The Book Depository, but they have it as out of stock at the moment.

I checked it out of the library about a month or so ago and found that I was able to make more than half a dozen recipes with what meagre stocks were in our cupboards.  That's a rarity in my baking experience.
Since then I have had a birthday, and as a lovely gift this arrived.

So far we have tried and liked the following recipes:

  • American brownies

  • Ginger crisps (freeze the batter and you can roll it out to make gingerbread men too)

  • Louise cake

  • Belgium slice

  • Gateau Basque

  • Cheese scones

The only let down has been the cheese scones recipe.

But, to prove to you how yummy the other recipes are, I will share the American Brownie recipe in the next post.  It's for those who like their brownies just moist, not doughy or gooey in the centre.

If you find an online retailer with this in stock, let me know and I'll update this post to include a link to them.

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