Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sione's Wedding

This was our DVD of choice last night.

I had wanted to see Sione's Wedding at the cinema, but somehow managed to completely miss it. So, finally we took the trip to the video store and rented the DVD last night.

A great piece of local cinema, this is a story about four Samoan guys who get out of control at each and every wedding they attend. Finally the community and the minister have enough and the boys find themselves banned from Sione's wedding. The only way they can attend is to find themselves girlfriends - not just dates. This leads us into their collective and individual lives.

Albert works in insurance and is timid around women, he is played by the wonderful Oscar Kightley who is also one of the writers.
Michael, who is a bicycle courier and a ladies man, is played by the gorgeous Robbie Magasiva.
Sefa, the only one of the four with a girlfriend - the long-suffering Leilani, is played by Shimpal Leilisi.
Stanley, is a chat-line addict who harbours fantasies of his phone girlfriend 'Latifah', and is played by Iaheto Ah Hi.

The entire supporting cast are terrific, especially Madeleine Sami, Teuila Blakely and David Fane. Many are regulars on the small screen here in New Zealand.

This is no big budget movie, and doesn't breach any barriers in the traditional romance/comedy theme, but it is still entertaining. While it is not likely to become Whale Rider Mark II, it is still a good homegrown story and will raise more than a few laughs. Just wait until you meet Derek and his crew in the parking lot !

If you like the Naked Samoans or bro'Town you will enjoy this little slice of New Zealand life. This definitely gets a *highly recommended* from me.

My rating: 3 out of 5

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