The first of these is the cutting activity with scissors that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. In the intervening time I have managed to refine how we go about doing this. We started off in my original effort by snipping the edges of a sheet of paper, with me holding the paper and Little Miss working the scissors. Since that first effort, we have gained a bit more control over the scissors so today we moved on to snipping small strips of paper. And more importantly the paper and scissors were both under Miss Oh Waily's control.
This led to the occasional difficulty with holding the paper at the right angle for the scissors instead of turning the scissors in order to cut the wonky angled paper. Still, with a bit of guidance we managed to get everything under control and here are the photographs to prove it.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="360" caption="On Your Marks"]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="360" caption="Get Set"]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="360" caption="Go"]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="360" caption="All Done All Finished"]
And as if that great show of skill and control wasn't enough, I even managed to have Miss Oh Waily help pick up the small snipped paper and put it into the rubbish bin. Will wonders never cease.
Maybe it is the beginning of the end of "Mummy do it" whenever I make requests for help cleaning up.
I know, dreams are free.
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