Thursday, October 22, 2009

Master Oh Waily gets the needle

Yes it was that week.
This past Monday Master Oh Waily went for his six week immunisations.

Did he wail?
On both legs?
Oh yes !
Like a banshee.

Poor little soul.  Have you seen the length of the needles for the immunisations?
Have you seen the thickness of the chubby little thigh it has to go in to?

I could swear that babies wail not because of a stabbing sensation so much as because the needles go so deep that they could almost be collecting bone marrow !

Oh well, only another four lots to go before he's school age.  What a thought.

1 comment:

This Week in the Oh Waily Household « Oh Waily Waily said...

[...] that young Master Oh Waily grows like a sprout and that he can waily waily in a loud voice when given the needle.  In addition you also know that Miss Oh Waily is learning some practical life skills in the form [...]