Monday, July 27, 2009


Recipe By : James Martin
Serving Size : 12 - 16


125g plain flour
2 good pinches of salt (optional)
1 large egg
1 tablespoon melted butter, plus extra for frying
300 mls milk


  1. Place the flour and salt in a bowl and add the egg, melted butter and half the milk.  Whisk until smooth and creamy, then mix in the remaining milk.

  2. Leave the batter to rest for 10 minutes if you wish, although this is no longer deemed to be necessary as flours are now so thoroughly refined.

  3. Heat a pancake pan (approximately 20 cm) over a high heat and grease with a knob of butter.  Ladle the batter in, swirling to coat the base of the pan and cook the crêpes for 1 - 2 minutes on each side, until golden.

  4. You should get about 12 - 16 if you make thin ones.  Add your choice of filling and cream, ice cream or sauce and serve.

  5. If you are making them in advance, layer them with squares of greaseproof and place in the freezer.  To serve, defrost and reheat either by placing in a pan with a touch of butter, microwaving for a couple of seconds or heating in the oven for 1 minute at 200°C / 400°F / Gas Mark 6.

James' Notes:

I've worked with some chefs who say you should rest the batter after mixing, while others say the opposite.  For me, the real secret of a good pancake or crêpe is, firstly, not to make the batter too eggy.  Secondly, make it quite liquid and not too thick as this will enable the mixture to spread more quickly and thinly into the pan.  Always fry in butter too (never in olive oil or other oils) as it adds to the flavour, and because of the quick cooking the butter will also add colour to the crêpe.

Source: James Martin Desserts

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My notes : This is the best crêpe recipe I have come across yet. It is much better than the Rose Elliot one I posted earlier simply because, as James states in his notes - don't make the batter too eggy.  This one doesn't.  It also comes together really quickly and easily in the KitchenAid with the whisk attachment.  The only proviso I would give is to be fluid with the fluid.  I have sometimes found that different brands of flour have been much thirstier than others, so aim for a consistent consistency not the volume prescribed by the recipe if you are in the habit of buying whatever flour happens to be at hand on the supermarket shelf.

And yes, if you turn the page in this book you will find sauces to go with them if you plan to use the crêpes for a special dessert - chocolate, cinnamon or raspberry sauce are the offerings.

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