The first two books are by the same author. I spotted them in desperation one Friday night at the library. The book I was looking for wasn't to be found, so I had to take what I could get. I must confess that I only read the two because they were here, at home, and they weren't hurting my brain cells to read. No other reason for hitting the second book at all.
This is the second book in the Garnet Lacey series by Tate Hallaway.
Chick-lit for Buffy fans, probably, would be my best description of these books. It is a witches, vampires and zombie-fest. For those who like their stories quirky, you may enjoy this. The Amazon reviewers gave it an average of 4 stars.
Personally I think that is a little over-generous. I would have hit a 2 or 3 star rating for this. I can't put my finger on exactly what it was that grated, but something about the writing or storytelling just didn't hit the spot for me.
Romancing the Dead
As I said at the start, this book only got past the eyes because it was here and not a struggle to read. Perhaps I was also hoping that the series and Garnet Lacey would grow on me. But no. She didn't.
If the concept of a Goth witch with a vampire boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and an internal nasty Goddess sound like you, then take a trip to the local library and check these out. They won't strain the brain, and maybe Garnet will appeal to you more than she did to me.
Don't Hex with Texas
This is the last in the current series of Katie Chandler stories. Her author, Shanna Swendson does have other plotlines for these characters, but like all things in real life her publisher needs the number of book sales to stack up before committing to another installment. Such is the life of an author, I guess.
In this book Katie has returned home to her very, very un-magical hometown in Texas. You get to know her family and find out that maybe the magic community in New York aren't the truly strange ones. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. It's not rocket science, and each book is sometimes better, sometimes worse than the others. If this is the end for the character, then it wasn't too badly done and leaves it to your imagination what becomes of her and her beau, Owen.
Tax in New Zealand
Another useful book from Martin Hawes. In this instance, all about taxation and what you should be looking out for.
If you're in business you will probably know most of this, but it never hurts to keep current. Accountants are great, but if you don't know the way things work, you could be missing out by not asking all the right questions. I would suggest this if you are starting up a business, or feel a bit unsure about how things really work.
That's it for November. It wasn't particularly spectacular, but hopefully December will produce a few more interesting books. I'm halfway through The English Patient, so all going well¹ there will be at least one Booker prize winner amongst the reviews.
¹. This means my ability to concentrate, grit my teeth, and actually make it through an entire book that is more than a bit of candyfloss.
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