Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Home Alone

Mr O is off to Singapore.
He will be somewhere above the Tasman Sea as I write this, enjoying the ambiance of Singapore Airlines' Raffles Class. Lucky so and so.

I have requested a full report on the new seating arrangements - looking at the aircraft configuration he is getting to sit in one seat where in cattle class there would be three. Oh, I am green with envy.

I'd like to think I cared about the planet and my carbon footprint, but just wave the possibility of air travel under my nose and the only thing green about me is my envy when I don't get to tag along.

Anyway, that leaves the little Miss and I on our own for the week. On the plus side, I get full rights to the remote control. On the down side, I get to do all of the through the night work as well. Still, it is only for a week.

The Oh Waily's will be heading off on holiday soon enough, as it is. A week in Fiji at the beginning of September. Keep your fingers crossed that we get good weather.
Yes, I know we are boring. But it is only a three hour flight, and after you've been a couple of times there is no nagging push to "go out and explore", which means that the only thing left to do is lie on a lounger and read a book.
What more could you want in life? Really?

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