I last wrote about her progress at the beginning of May when she began to stand up on her own. Since then she has been motoring along on the standing and walking front, culminating in truly being able to take independent steps shortly after her 9th month birthday. Of course it was step, stagger, fall on bottom. Repeat this multiple times each day and eventually you make it to today when walking the full length of the living room presents very little problem.
In addition to being sound on her feet, as long as she is not tired, she is also able to step over items on the floor (well, bulldoze through them really) and also manages to walk in her very first set of soft little shoes.
Miss O made a passable John Cleese doing his Ministry of Funny Walks when she first tried them on, but has since worked out that you do not need to lift your feet as though stepping over a large dog turd. Still with two fur children in the house, perhaps we should not discourage that walking style too much.
And the other major change occurred over the weekend, when Miss O was moved into her own bedroom. This was a big day for us. Both in a good and a sad way. It's amazing how much I find myself wanting to keep her close by, but I also want to have her (and us) getting better sleep through the night. After 18 months of sleeping in the same room, it was time to allow the beginning of the "growing up".
I had no idea that the little separations would tug at me quite so much.
Uggh. What AM I going to be like when she heads off to school !!
Anyway, here's a photograph of the curtain fabric we chose for her room.
I figure it's a fair compromise. I was not willing to have a "pink palace" full of Barbie dolls and princesses, but I still wanted her to have a little girl's room. It doesn't hurt that it has a good dose of blue in it. :D
Oh wow!! walking!!! And I ADORE her curtains! They are gorgeous!!
Hey Andie,
Yes, she's doing the zombie crossed with a chimpanzee walk at the moment. Very cute. And she just strolls around the place for the heck of it. Gives us lots of smiles.
The curtains are a hit with me too. After seeing the princess fabrics and the all-pink (as many shades as you would ever want to know of) fabrics this one just jumped off the rack at me.
If ever material screamed "Pick Me!", this was it.
Just girly enough for a little Miss and not too girly for her tomboy mother. :D
I just know pink-mayhem and Barbie are in my future, they're almost as inevitable as death and taxes, but I didn't see a need to hurry them along. :)
If I had my way, and a bottomless wallet, her room would probably be decorated with some of these lovely things:
- one of these rugs, Fantasy Dragon, Flying Carpet, or Enchanted Forest;
-or this tent;
- and maybe one of these bedroom sets. I know that the last two are *for boys*, but girls like adventures too.
Ah, to dream. I love this site. I believe they have an agent in NZ, but I've yet to see any of their stuff in a retailer here.
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