On the parenting front we have been adding a variety of finger food to Miss O's diet. Currently we are happy with firm, dry and slightly crunchy foods like rice crackers.
Try to slip in a slice of kiwifruit or peach and the facial expressions are priceless. You would think we had just offered her a giant lemon to suck on. Still, we will persist and see if she can overcome the "oooh icky, slippy food" attitude and embrace fruit pieces in their whole form as much as she scoffs them mushed up with her baby rice.
Sleeping, as per March's review was still hit and miss. Mostly miss. We decided to try a slightly different approach to sleep time and are hoping this will alter her patterns in a positive way. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
On the creativity front April was mostly a silent month. To be fair the only real attempts at creativity were pretty much restricted to the few blog entries I made and a small smattering of photographs.
Ah well, perhaps May will provide more good news in that department.
Personal Pleasures, Treasures and Measures
In the Personal Pleasures area I managed to have a better month than March.
Read 24 books or more
Two more Phryne Fisher novels - Death at Victoria Dock
Spend some time on family history research and break through one brick wall
I connected with a new family member, through my paternal grandmother's line. Together we have filled in some gaps and discovered the brother and brother marrying the sister and sister phenomenon that seems to occur in smaller communities. So that was really good news.
Work was non-existent in the areas which I had set goals for myself. I went in to work on Thursdays through April in order to catch up on using the Payroll software. This is in anticipation of our Office Manager having a lovely month off in June, travelling through France with family and stopping off to see her new niece in Canada on the way home. It'd be nice to think we would continue to pay everyone even when she's not there. :)
As for the website, nothing further done there yet. I have to admit to finding this particularly demoralizing since I really wanted to get this commitment nailed down quickly and efficiently.
The wrap-up for April is pretty much the same as March. I managed to do a little bit in some areas and absolutely nothing in others. I still don't have this parenting time management thing sorted out yet and it's starting to wear very, very thin. The sort of thin that socks go just before you declare them to be religious enough to chuck them in the rubbish bin.
On a positive end note, Miss O turned nine months yesterday. We note that as she was a little bit *overdue* it will be next weekend before she has officially been out as long as she was in. How time flies.
Hey whatever happened to the photography challenge???
Have a look at this for some inspiration.
Hey Marc,
Thanks for the postcard. Sounds like you had a great time.
As for the photography challenge, it's gone into stealth mode. Unfortunately it's even hiding from me. :(
Those photographs are quite amazing and the explanation for how he got them makes me wonder what you could do in the home environment. Presumably nothing as stunning unless you have all the lights and backdrops. Still, it's something to consider playing with in the future.
Any trip photographs you can add to your blog? Or photo stream? Would love to see where you went.
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