All together I managed six fiction books and a very petite non-fiction book.
That puts me on target to surpass my stated goal of 24 books or more for the year. It has also suggested that May has been a much more organised month than the preceding four, allowing me the time to do these sorts of things.
In brief, the books of May were:
This last fiction book was my birthday present and was devoured in two nights reading. Ah, there is nothing like a nice visit with Precious Ramotswe, even if you do feel the odd need to slap Mme Makutsi.
As you can see I have discovered a new fiction writer that will be joining my stable of regulars. Alan Gordon has leapt in with his Fool's Guild series.
I also dabbled with Meg Cabot, of The Princess Diaries fame. This book was meant to be aimed a little older, with the protagonists in their early thirties. Personally I don't know anyone older than eighteen who would come out with some of the dialogue presented, but like a sore tooth I just had to keep pressing on until it was over. Mushy, cute, chicklet-lit definitely. Emphasis on chicklet. Surprisingly, the guts of the story is based on the author's own elopement to Italy but told from the viewpoint of a rather ditzy best friend/bridesmaid. There's a nice addendum detailing those things that were "true" and those that were not.
This little book was a gem of a light-hearted read. Written by a kiwi clinical psychologist who actually has children, and illustrated with very un-pc cartoons, it is bound to bring a smile to your face. Or in my case, tears running down my face while reading the chapter entitled "Things they don't tell you: the bath poo."
I'd like to share an example of the writing that doesn't involve baths...
Once you understand that all kids want is to rule the world, then you'll be fine. They don't want much, just total world domination, which is of course completely mad. It's not their fault, that's just the way children are. Some of them grow out of it, some of them become evil criminal geniuses, some become parking wardens, and some of the become President.
So my daughter isn't the only megalomaniac then. Nice to know.
Full reviews of some of these books may follow.