I was catching up on extremely overdue blog reading tonight when I read through Lorelle's One Year Anniversary Review: Blogging and Blogging Tips and was pointed to this creative use of Technorati.
It turns out that my poor old blog is only worth a measly US$ 1,129.08. Geez am I a cheap read or what?!
If taking a look at these sorts of cute (and informative) applets are something you like to do, take a wander across and enter your blog's URL and see how you do.
My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?
Update: Just a quick note that since posting this nifty little thing my blog has appreciated in value. It is now worth a whopping $ 2258.16 as of 19 July 2007.
If only my bank account was able to jump that much, that fast, I'd be a very happy person. :)
Update 2: Checking out my assets today and it turns out that my blog has appreciated in value again.
My blog is worth $3,387.24.
How much is your blog worth?
Oh, too funny. I just checked again after a year ignoring this silly thing and my blog is worth $942,217.26. Go figure.
Now what am I going to do with all that money? Huh? Ideas? :D
Maybe you could list your blog on the stock exchange, since it seems to be gaining value rather faster than most shares do! :D
I'm sure you'd get some investors. Google and Yahoo! seem happy to pay top dollar for online sites, perhaps you could be next. ;)
[...] give you the estimate. Back then, my blog was originally worth $80,729.22 USD in October of 2005. Oh, Waily, Waily reminded me of this and so I checked it out. Today, my blog is worth $942,217.26. Want to help me spend all [...]
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