It is Teresa Wentzler's Noah's Ark.
I am hoping to alter it to become something of a birth sampler for Miss OhWailyWaily when she makes her debut appearance.
So far I have done this much of it...
And I keep thinking that I will have a few spare hours to spend on it, then find I have reading to do (schoolwork - yuk), an assignment to do, housework that needs to be addressed or some sleep to catch up on. And if I was to be brutally honest with you, about the only one of those alternative activities getting serious attention is the sleeping.
I guess there is always the idea that it can't be finished until she actually arrives anyway. I think that excuse might get a bit of mileage over the next little while. I'll keep you posted on progress or lack thereof.
Here is someone else's Noahs Ark Project....
Slightly larger scale :)
My goodness that is huge.
This man clearly had far too much time on his hands.
It is an amazing feat and helps bring a bit of scale and reality to the biblical description of the ark.
Loved the life-size elephants in the background too.
Thanks for the link Marc!
[...] is a reminder of what it was like in May, and below is what it now looks [...]
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