I don't know where the time goes, really I don't. Please forgive the very sparse posting over the last month or two. I had hoped that we had turned a corner on that issue, but apparently I was not looking at reality when I came to that conclusion.
Anyway, I am here now and this is my brief recap of March.
Introduction of solid food
This is going well so far. The only total reject has been avocado. Banana isn't particularly popular on its own, but hidden in with other things it is just fine. We are getting used to more chunky bits, although this wasn't a popular change. With two bottom teeth now we may attempt to re-introduce finger foods. This also wasn't popular - perhaps because the items are cold. Miss OWW has a definite preference for warm food.
Begin potty training
What was I thinking? Okay, maybe in a month or two but not right now. Far too much to do as it is.
Have a happy, healthy and active daughter
This is a definite success. Miss OWW is generally only unhappy when tired or having a clingy week. Fingers crossed, we haven't had anything to concern ourselves about her health. And on her activity levels - the current fad is cruising the living room furniture and attempting to use anything that looks even slightly solid and tall as an aide to standing. Of course this makes for a bit of "follow-the-leader" where Miss OWW is definitely the leader and her mother definitely the follower.
We took a month off from organised swimming classes, and are now debating whether to return to them through winter or find another activity to replace it.
Get more sleep
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I'm a comedienne.
We are waffling between waking once and twice a night now. The odd day of multiple waking occurs, but seems to be becoming less regular. For my own sanity I am putting this down to "a phase" on the grounds that over the last month the little Miss has learned to sit, crawl and stand. Add to that the arrival of her first two bottom teeth within days of each other, and I think I have hope to call it a phase. I predict that this phase will continue through April. ;)
We'll just agree to call this a write off. The only photography I have managed was during our family trip to Wellington (see Flickr album in the side bar). I will post the couple of B&W photographs that I took during that trip shortly.
Personal Pleasures, Treasures and Measures
Read 24 books or more
I managed to squeeze out another book this month, taking the year's total to: 3 books.
Not quite whizzing my way to the 24, but at least I am plodding along.
Create the new website
This one has been very stop-start. I find it hard to achieve much in the 45 minute - 1.5 hour daytime sleeps that Miss OWW takes. With a dodgy memory and suspect concentration, this makes for a fair degree of frustration on my part. With the assistance of Bruce I have been looking through the possibilities and am hopeful, Miss OWW's daytime sleeps willing, that I will get something solid moving shortly.
Right, that would be it for the moment. If you've read this, thanks for hanging in there with me.
Yesterday was Anzac Day, here are my previous posts about the day and also a link to a friend's experience celebrating abroad on this day (ANZAC 2008, Kuwait).
- They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
- Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
- At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
- We will remember them.